Today’s children are exposed to the use of digital devices from very early childhood

January 8, 2023

In fact, we speak of the new generations as “digital natives” and the name itself expresses a kind of naturality in the bond of children belonging to the new generations with technology. The child gets used to the use of technological tools very quickly: from the very first interactive games to displays, up to acquiring familiarity with mobile phones, smartphones and tablets well before starting school,oftne starting from the age of 4. This attitude is not a negative deviation to be attributed to the digitization of society but rather a normal reaction of the child, which naturally imitates the context and actions of his/her parents.

The natural and fast approach to technological devices takes place in reality for a straightforward reason.  Screens, displays and especially the touch screen, aretools capable of breaking down the language barrier and articulation difficulties with written words and letters.

The experiences capable of igniting the intelligence of children today are very different from those of the past, and are based on a very fast learning method. The intuitive way in which children approach and interact with technological tools is the main reason for the increasingly widespread use of digital platforms in teaching and learning. Digital tools are able to communicate in a simple and direct way with “digital natives”, and for this reason, they are increasingly used in schools and all learning environments.

What is the role of parents in this digital learning and teaching?

As a parent, you should not be afraid to choose digital teaching tools for your children, but rather focus on using these tools correctly: children and young people instinctively know how to approach new educational means when well guided by adults, in the most constructive ways. These technologies can make learning at school and at home much more productive, thanks to their ability to transform the moment of study and homework into an opportunity for agile and fun growth. The daily use of digital tools by the little ones can be a little scary and cause some concern for parents. This is perfectly normal. However, remember that there is a huge difference between the daily and often poorly regulated use of technological tools with the sole purpose of passing the time and avoiding boredom, and the daily and measured use of the same tools and platforms for educational purposes. Children and technology can coexist peacefully, under the guidance of parents who know how to show them that this resource must be used judiciously and exploited for the many constructive possibilities it offers.

In fact, offering your children digital teaching tools to help them in self-study will allow them to:

  • Organize their school commitment freely and autonomously;
  • Work in continuity with the school curriculum, which takes place in the classroom;
  • Learn to know and recognize their strengths and weaknesses, and to be able to work and to improve;
  • Develop systems and study methods suitable for their needs and personal characteristics.

Getting your children used to the benefits of the many educational possibilities available today on digital platforms in a healthy wayw will allow them to understand the difference between harmful behaviour and abuse of technology. Awareness and a sense of responsibility are the key that will allow your children to grow: humanly, intellectually and academically.



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