Why use 2.0 tools?

December 16, 2022

Computer 2.0 tools are very useful for any teacher. In this technological age, it is important that teachers use all available resources to reach and engage their students.

The use of technologies in the classroom can have many advantages as a teacher when it comes to helping you achieve your educational goals and improve the cognitive abilities of your students. Since the Covid pandemic, computer 2.0 tools have become increasingly popular in the classroom and at home. However, preparing digital lessons for students is still for many teachers who do not yet feel confident enough in their abilities.

However, there is good news. These tools are usually designed to be so intuitive that even a beginner can master them!

That is why with the DREAM project, we are working towards the specific objective of helping teachers answer certain questions during the past two years of the pandemic.

What more can we do in distance education that has arisen during this pandemic?

How can we provide a better useful system for our students?

How can we make this system that has appeared in our lives easier to understand?

How can we facilitate access to technological tools?

How can we develop digital skills, improve distance education and compare how it is implemented elsewhere?

Why is digitizing education important?

Our students enjoy learning, doing their homework and playing online games via technological tools that they use in almost all areas, thus creating a peaceful and serene environment conducive to learning.

In this sense, the DREAM project offers our students a more playful and contemporary learning context thanks to the 2.0 digital tools that we have seen as part of this project during the remote implementation. We also contribute to the dissemination of this system with the training we give to teachers from different schools.

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