Many technological changes have taken place over the decades that have affected the world, the family, and the relationships between its members

February 6, 2023

Among other things, it is pointed out that children no longer live under the constant supervision of their parents, but are gaining the freedom to develop, think and form opinions independently. Children have increasing access, and at a younger age, to ICT. Despite the wave of criticism, there are voices about the necessity of relationships built through ICT, at least because of the democratisation of access to technology reinforced by the widespread diffusion of different types of digital tools among children from primary school onwards. Parents’ attitudes towards new media vary from pessimistic, through indifferent to positive. A group of informed parents perceive and experience many difficulties, in particular, in situations of control and intentional parental influence. The troubles and dilemmas that arise create a critical attitude towards the new media especially in situations of parental failure. Over the coming years, the style of digital media use will become more uniform among young people and their parents. This situation is linked to generational change. Both groups, however, need to strengthen the ‘soft’ components of digital competences related to the dangers of cyberspace. The development of digital media forces parents to undertake lifelong learning activities. Support from other parents and professionals, as well as self-education, becomes particularly useful in reducing the risks of the digital world. 

The D.R.E.A.M. project provides pedagogical support for children and parents in the safe and legitimate use of ICT in education. The materials prepared include tips and concrete advice for parents of children using digital tools. Very often, a lack of appropriate parenting competences, a poor relationship between the child and parents and the occurrence of problematic situations coexist with the dangers of the digital world. Therefore, special care should be taken to strengthen digital safety for children and young people from families characterised by inefficient upbringing.



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